Monday, February 21, 2011

Lipstick For Pale Skin Blondes

We and the world

optimism and good humor are contagious. Smile and the world will smile! The truth is that people smile when you smile, and be well disposed towards others is very more than having a good character:
means above all to be well-bred people.
The important thing to remember is that good manners are not so much us but the way we treat others with respect, courtesy and respect . It is a matter of feeling. Knowing which fork to use

can serve a formal dinner, but to establish positive relationships with others, learning to consider their point of view instead of staying focused on our , is something that we can help
wherever we go.

here are ten small habits to cultivate

1. Focus on others, not only on yourself.
2. Think before you act.
3. Think before you speak.
4. Wait your turn.
5. Listen when others speak.
6. Learn the pleasure of the order.
7. Help those in need.
8. Respect those who are different from you.
9. Be patient and kind.
10. Smile.

Illustration Alessandra Ceriani


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