Tuesday, December 23, 2008

How To Build A Podeum


Friday, December 19, 2008

Limitations/sources Of Error Of Theodolite

Today flee from the office (of course :-) allowed to escape towards the village in the province of Sondrio, more or less one and a half. At three pizzocheri, at the invitation of a supplier, for which I am doing engineering in May and who had welcome the idea of \u200b\u200binviting me up to thank me when. Just did not expect. And
pizzoccheri that good ...
Tomorrow I'm going to run, promised, and also in the pool, to dispose of all the butter, melted bitto where the buckwheat noodles were immersed ...
At five and a half of the route I take home my car with yellow and gray is usual in the traffic of the highway to the entrance of the highway. Taking the highway, however, deviate Colico immediately. From there go up the lake to Sorico and then in Gera Lario.
I stop at the port of Giancarlo Gera where his Mousquetaire. And I walk around all the docks, watching the boats. I love
ports. Even small ones. Of course, everything was almost deserted, no boat coming in and nothing out. A slight sense of nostalgia comes over me and I remain there, to savor it.
Then I get bored, and decide it's time to seriously come back to cottage.
's almost seven. And 'I'd better come back seriously.

I note here the link of this blog, no longer updated, but from where I like every now leggiucchiare tales of the sea that its owner, a skipper, you jot.
I like to think that he will write more on why he decided to leave, and travel, keeping a home as the only boat with a white cloth on it.

stories of sea and coast

Msds Plaid Acrylic Matte Sealer

Port of Dubai and the sails

Yesterday a friend came back from Zanzibar.
And he described the sails premises, dhow.
I found on a blog some photos of these boats went back to Dubai.
photos are very beautiful, beautiful boats, and the contrast between their colors, their forms and the landscape even more beautiful.
wishing to sea.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Keri Hilson Weaves Names

convince you?
I do not know .... I obviously Like a lot of the jar ....:-)

Game Theme Centerpieces

Late Dinners dinners dinners .... Jeff Anderle

So. I do not understand. Every now and then jumps out the absolute necessity of making dinner. Dinners. Among colleagues mean. That is, the whole office tennico, complete, and work management systems. Sometimes I think about it and tell myself that I just found a great job. Just great. With colleagues and coworkers refined, stylish ... Then after I think that at least pay fairly well and I can stand the level of grezzezza raw, grezzaggine, raw, often grezzatura, loooong often reaches.
If you place on your desk 's eterometro , an instrument that can detect the degree of eterume released from the glands of my colleagues thought it would come soon to the bottom out of hand. In those moments I start to shake his head, and if it is just too much for my patience I'm going to the toilet, do a tour, I take a little 'air outside, I talk with the secretary and then return, hoping that happened to some hut in yard so that suddenly all the lemmings have to be deflated and returned to normal duties.
Sooner or later I will be a serious study of where to go ... Where should I put Scarpaccia not, the old jacket ... I said

dinners. In that climate of high eterume runs every time the proposal from the dinner. I have participated once. Before the holidays. Una roba ristretta solo a noi della società di ingegneria. Li ammetto, ci sono andato volontariamente, sapendo a cosa andavo in contro, perchè avevo bisogno di divertirmi, di sballare, e dimenticare . Per una sera. Quindi eravamo noi 6 al Bar Bianco, Parco Sempione, Milano. A digiuno. Avevo pranzato alle 12.30. Alle 22 ho cominciato a ballare quella schifezza assurda di musica ed ho smesso alle 2.30 del mattino, con tre coktail in corpo. Uno dei soci, quello del primo colloquio tra l'altro (che in sede di colloquio appunto mi ha fatto sorgere più di qualche dubbio sui suoi orientamenti...) mi ha definitivamente confermato quantomeno il fatto che lui e la sua ragazza siano una coppia aperta , mooooolto aperta since I found his hand for a couple of times in inappropriate places (I was hearing low, I was a drunk moment ...) and to my "oooh, but ca .. oo Faii" the his girlfriend looked on and laughed .... Okay, what's obscene ... And it is still a mystery as to the east exit of the freeway at 4 am the Traffic Police has not stopped me ...
Anyway, given the experience, never again. So I have avoided all the, with the most absurd excuses. That's this week was inevitable, then it was something more quiet, dinner in the technical completion of the future hospital, catering and music. I mogul and when the internal eterometro signaled the alert level reached (the 23 most or less) if the undersigned is rare, with the excuse of the thesis (the day after I was free to go to the poles). And thank goodness, judging from the stories ...
And tomorrow? another! like that of summer. Oddiiiioooooooo .... No thanks .... I have already given. But
say. But among his colleagues is absolutely indispensable everyone is like eating and drinking merrily, all together ... stupid fire with a frequency that reaches that of the in line, at least 440 Hz .. to the next level?
Mah ..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nightwish Birthday Cake

He is in the top ten of the most good. Indeed not. Excellent.
On bass, clarinet ... give him anything in his hand and he pulled out a sublime sound

What Does The Wolf Mean To Idians


Department. Increasingly large
E ' Sqwonk

Bass Clarinet in underground version

Monday, December 15, 2008

Congratulations On Your Pregnancy Cards

Me and Music

I watched the episode just now Che tempo che fa dedicated to Bocelli. Why not go crazy for his music (I appreciate but do not follow him, although I admit that I'm now writing on the notes to go with you, what about ... impazzisco per le note del corno che contrappunta gli archi, corno che è il mio amore strumentistico di sempre anche se ho studiato altro).
Ero incuriosito dal duetto con la Litizzetto, che adoro.
Diciamocelo Elli, sei nel periodo della tua vita in cui forse ti stai pentendo di non aver finito il conservatorio.
Ma pentirsi di questo non serve a nulla, lo capisco benissimo.
Magari, in futuro, avrò voglia di riprendere a studiare clarinetto sul serio e chissà, magari prenderò anche il diploma.
In realtà diciamocela tutta un'altra volta Elli.
La voglia di ripartire a studiare è tanta. Riprenderei domani subito.
Questa sera arrivato a casa ho rimontato il mio RC e ho lasciato enter my breath, and slide your fingers over the wooden fingers that the instrument now. But shit. I always sound. Slightly dark and mellow, but not heavy. As I studied God above. And then her fingers, gradually melted and flowed quite fluid arpeggios on the final Weber Grand Duo. The problem is staccato but what always has been, even when I studied 6-7 hours a day for the diplomino ...
A flood of memories overwhelmed me. The concert at the Teatro
Bibiena of Mantua, a great architectural jewel, the GranPartita of Mozart in which I played the basset horn (hallucinating public and critical success for my conservatory Como), the solo concert for the wise year-end, with Gagnebin, Andante et Allegro , accompanied by the legendary Claudia Bracco, executed to perfection, so much so that even the exams I was able to run well, the exams in fact, when I had a sound to be afraid and in which cabbage , has paid me a 10/10 final years of sacrifices.
will resume tomorrow. Fifteen days to dissolve and fingers off, and then a year to prepare studies of virtuosity, transport, sight-reading, the part of ensemble music, the concert program with at least Finzi, concerto for clarinet and orchestra, or Hindemith Concerto for cl and orch, or Copland concert for clarinet and orchestra, and then Jean Francaix, Theme and Variations, or Castelnuovo-German, the wonderful Sonata and very rare, and so on ...

shame that tomorrow I have the office, dinner and the usual rigmarole of the yard ....
remains a dream. The drawer of the bedside table, always near them, when you sleep.
It 's a bit like that photography course I would like to devote myself seriously. Although, finishing his musical studies is another matter entirely. It would be like solving an open account with my life.
then I miss things as a corollary, walking around the corridors of the building that houses the austere academy, where every room comes the sound of a different instrument: the drums, voice, bass, bassoon, marimba, the harp, viola ... and peer tests orchestra in an auditorium ...

This is the night I like to bask in the memories, and so I write them. Boh then maybe erase this post but nothing.
Now I'm glad I wrote these things.

Wheelchair Schematic Wiring


I especially like the colors of the two plants. A study
, Amsterdam (since I just got back ...)

I like these corners a bit 'sharp.
I do not know. I remember a lot of Italian design certain things 50-60 years, those absolute masters such as Albini or Mollino.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Placement Of Cookie Patches On Brownie Uniform

3 days in Amsterdam

Oh yes. With the mind are still there. While there were only three days. Not only with the mind into reality. I seem to be physically walk the main streets, close to Dam, revise the Van Gogh museum, children play as Nemo, seeing the blue sky sunny slightly reflected in the canals, the houses are all different, all beautiful, all fuoripiombo, with large windows without curtains allowing a glimpse of the interior, soft lights reflected from the water, relaxing moments spent in front with steaming hot chocolate or tea, research (which is not difficult to repair) of the local theme, libraries, shops all kinds of items (!)... And then

Making fools, like fools, like children, singing with the voice set "SOOONO FIIIIIIINNNNNTEEEEEEE" or, listen in your sublime acute dramatic soprano sing "UUUMIDIFICATORIIIILLCOCCCIOOOOOOOO ...
recognize that around, in fact, everything was' a bit POOORRRRNOO (manuela thanks for inventing the ritornellino, we kindly borrowed :-), toothbrush bought OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH ......

And Then.
Hotel. A marvel. The lights dim blue or periwinkle or red or any color that lit up everything, and particolarela shower, lounge music, the white bed, huge, warm temperatures and .... And then

. The most important thing.
you close to me forever.
Always. Always

I could go on but ... for my blog, it's okay.
The rest is our heritage.
look forward to when we can gain some days totally new for us, hoping that this will be soon. Presto.

you and me.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Does Herpes Grow Un Pubic Hair

MMMMEEESEEEEE .... A ....... I'm glad

I mean ... one starts a blog as well, to want to tell, tell, meet people, exchange ideas, views and stops after 4 months (for another month or so ).... I autofaccio the autocomplete for constancy, that is not the German city of the lake ...

But that's okay. This glimpse of the virtual world has no claim, but None whatsoever. Only one way to think, when I like. It may seem a point of view a bit 'selfish. But, as unfounded, in fact translates well what are the post icini left Prussian blue in the background of these web pages, and that is a simple, fun to play . Thanks

Elf for the comment to post, I have awakened from blogtorpore!
And, after all, I'd really want!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Anti-perspiration For Hand

Rewrite the Future 2008 - video communications