Monday, March 7, 2011

Trimethoprim How Long Befor Thy Work

Three good reasons to celebrate the March 8 Why do not you

"To reaffirm freedom and dignity of women, their intelligence and their knowledge as essential elements of democracy and the development of our country" ( If not now when )

"There is nothing wrong with going out with friends and, for an evening, leave ' boys' home, but would be equally sad if this was the 'only opportunity to do so. If so, it would mean that yes, you still need to claim rights women "( TheWoman )

if there riprendessimo mimosas? If tomorrow, March 8, we went around with yellow bouquet? not as paternalistic gift, by 'good party, dear corners. "As a sign of protest recognizable. ( 2010, Maria Laura Rodotà)


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