Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red Shyni Pokemon Cheat


In the night between 24 and 25 May a gay guy, the output of a local Roman , was surrounded and beaten by a group of young people, as his peers. Once again, someone felt compelled to beat and humiliate a person judged guilty of different and same-sex love. Different. Each of us is because we are unique and each of us is different living according to their conscience, your heart and your head. I appeal directly to the learner is guilty of an act so despicable and cowardly, in a control group, if you ever sat and you have never accepted for what it is, if he has done an inner journey to get to where he is now. I would like to explain what it means to be gay and love another of the same sex is just the tip of the iceberg. Like it or not grow up in a culture dictated by tradition and religion, that indicate what should and what not to do what is right and what is not, and you are affected. E 'unsettling to realize that emotions for someone of the same sex at the start trying to rationalize, try to escape, not to think, and do not want to listen to your heart and lots for months, maybe years, and you convince yourself it was just a moment. But you can not escape for long, because you're this and then the whirlwind of excitement and happiness for having understood and accepted as you are makes you free and happy. Would you like to yell, scream to the world and the first person to reveal it is a friend or classmate that you're more bound and trembling with emotion, but you're also quiet because your friends know him and he knows you, you laugh and weep for the same things. But unfortunately sometimes things change, it is possible that your friend is ashamed of you, is embarrassing, you escape with a look, maybe I find with those who mock you, because that's the easy way out, because maybe he is afraid of considered to be like you. That night you've put in so many against him, that you have waited in the dark, maybe it was for so many days that followed, which gave away laughing if the hand of another man, if you kiss with another man at the end as did you feel? Satisfied, happy for the nice gesture? Shame on you, have used violence because it is the only thing you could do, talk it would mean to compare, to see that you had no argument to counter, that your lives are empty, with no concrete and important, and that for this guy , looking at life in the face, there is higher. When you come home at night, how did you look in the mirror, how did you sleep in your bed without hearing her screams, her moans inside your head, your hands full of blood have washed well? The only thing you can do now is constituted, be less cowardly than you are, take responsibility tur, without waiting for the police and that you are maybe you close in a cell and throw away the key forever. No, indeed expect, that makes him one day walking down the street recognize you, maybe you wear a earring or a tattoo, he will remember. You know what I will do anything, you look in my face and stand in silence, looking in your eyes, using only indifference, what you deserve, what you deserve, scum.


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